
Mere Theology: Christian Faith and the Discipleship of the Mind is unavailable, but you can change that!

Alister McGrath explores how the great tradition of Christian theological reflection can enrich our faith and deepen our engagement with the concerns and debates of the world around us. Part 1 of this exhilarating volume looks at the purpose, place, and relevance of Christian theology. Part 2 deals with the relation of the natural sciences and faith. Here the core arguments of recent atheist...

a matter of general, not just academic, interest. To my surprise, I found that I had become a public intellectual. Debate often centred on the rationality of faith, and the coherence of the Christian vision of reality. For the new atheists, Christianity represents an antiquated way of explaining things that can be pensioned off in the modern scientific age. In one of the wonderfully unsubstantiated assertions that make up so much of his case against religion, Christopher Hitchens tells us that, since
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